Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan kepada kami dari calon customer kami yang masih awam dengan dunia website adalah bagaimana cara pengoperasian website mereka. Di benak mereka website adalah sesuatu yang rumit dan sulit untuk dipelajari, sehingga sering kali mereka melewatkan kesempatan potensial untuk mendapat pasar bagi produk mereka.
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan ketika kita memulai sesuatu pasti akan begitu banyak pertanyaan yang tidak bisa dijawab. Saran kami praktik secara langsung adalah metode belajar yang jauh lebih baik dari sekedar membaca atau mendengarkan mentor Anda. Pengoperasian website sangatlah mudah dan kami menyediakan software cPanel® yang terkenal mudah dioperasikan. Kalaupun masih ada yang tidak dimengerti, Anda bisa tanyakan ke bagian support kami.
Pertanyaan lain dari calon customer kami adalah setelah memesan website apa yang harus saya lakukan. Setelah memesan website, kami akan mengirimkan akses ke control panel Anda. Anda bisa bermain-main sejenak dengan menu-menu yang di cPanel® tersebut. Kemudian Anda bisa memilih software yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda menggunakan feature fantastico.
Ada banyak software yang bisa Anda coba-coba sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda, misalnya untuk blog, forum, toko online dan lain-lain. Cara installnya pun sangat mudah, Anda tinggal memilih menu fantastico di cPanel® Anda, kemudian pilih software yang akan Anda install ke website Anda. Kemudian ikuti panduan installasi hingga selesai. Di akhir cerita website Anda sudah terinstall software tersebut, Mudah bukan.
Berikut adalah daftar software yang kami sediakan pada feature fantastico
A widely-popular open-source bulletin-board package, works well, simple user interface and admin panel, clean look, scales well, and can be customized |
A popular and very customizable forum with a powerful administration area to control your board and members. |
A powerful blog script featuring multiple blogs, multiple authors, drafts and future posts, bookmarklets. |
A blog script featuring multiple blogs, categories/sub-categories, skins, search function, multiple languages, search engines friendly URLs. |
WordPress is a personal publishing tool with focus on aesthetics and featuring cross-blog tool, password protected posts, importing, typographical niceties, multiple authors, bookmarklets. |
An advanced portal with collaborative book, search engines friendly URLs, online help, roles, full content search, site watching, threaded comments, version control, blogging, news aggregator. |
A portal system with a wide range of modules. |
A professional level yet easy to use Content Management System featuring in line WYSIWYG content editors, newsfeeds, syndicated news, banners, mailing users, links manager, statistics, content archiving, date based content, 20 languages, modules and components. |
One of the most popular community-based portals with a big choice of modules and languages. |
A blog script featuring multiple blogs, categories/sub-categories, skins, search function, multiple languages, search engines friendly URLs. |
Very powerful Content Management System with document manager, announcements, menu manager, photo album, block maker, FAQ, web pages maker, polls, information categorizer, calendar, link manager, form generator. |
A blog script featuring multiple blogs, categories/sub-categories, skins, search function, multiple languages, search engines friendly URLs. |
A straightforward content-management system designed for rapid deployment of community-based websites. Nice-looking templates, oriented toward document-sharing, clean interface. |
A very popular advanced portal system | |
A Live Help chat system featuring monitor your visitors, proactively open a chat session, multiple chat sessions, referrer tracking, page view tracking, multiple operators, canned responses/URLs, multiple departments each with different icons, leave a message. |
Very powerful all-in-one help center including Live Help, Support Tickets and FAQ. Features include unlimited operators/departments, monitor visitors, initiate chat, collect visitor’s information, track visitor’s footprint, autosave chat transcripts, canned messages, leave a message, auto-assign tickets to operators, unlimited FAQ topics. |
A Support Tickets system featuring email piping, pop3 login, unlimited email addresses, admin/staff/user panels, avoid autoresponder loops, limit maximum tickets user can have opened, accept attachments and limit size, pager alerts for admin. |
A simple, one-admin Support Tickets system featuring self-registering, emailing to admin, attachments. |
A Support Tickets system featuring multiple email addresses, admin/staff/user panels, canned responses, HTML tags support, email limit on a per user/day basis, attachments. |
A blog script featuring multiple blogs, categories/sub-categories, skins, search function, multiple languages, search engines friendly URLs. |
The simplest weblog around. Popular but no longer in development. If you like it, but want more, try b2evolution or WordPress, both extensions of b2. |
A blog script featuring multiple blogs, categories/sub-categories, skins, search function, multiple languages, search engines friendly URLs. |
YaBB SE is a PHP/MySQL port of the popular forum software YaBB (yet another bulletin board). |
A power-user shopping cart with a big variety of modules and support of almost every payment gateway. A big developers community is ready to offer custom solutions depending on your needs. |
Unlimited categories/questions/answers, web-based administration. |
An Image Gallery system featuring unlimited categories/subcategories, web-based and FTP images upload, auto-thumbnails, comments, send a picture, rate a picture, random pictures, extensive administration panel. |
An Image Gallery system featuring categories and albums, thumbnails and intermediate size pics, search feature, new and random pictures, user management (private galleries, groups), user comments, e-cards feature, slideshow viewer. |
A powerful mailing list featuring multiple mailing lists and attachments. |
Advanced Poll. A highly windows-inspired poll script. |
PhpESP is an effective, capable, web-based survey application that enables businesses to create complex and advanced surveys, view results in real time, and carry out advanced analysis. |
Develop, publish and collect responses to surveys. Display surveys as single questions, group by group or all in one page or use a data entry system for administration of paper-based versions of the survey. |
Project Management featuring companies, projects, tasks (with Gantt charts), forums, files, calendar, contacts, tickets/helpdesk, language support, user/module permissions, themes. |
Project Management featuring optional group system, privileges, calendar, contacts, time card, projects, chat, forum, request tracker, mail client, files, notes, bookmarks, to-do list, reminder, voting, language support. |
PhpWiki is a web site where anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. Linking is done automatically on the server side; all pages are stored in a database. |
TikiWiki is designed to be an international, clean and extensible Content Management System and Groupware that can be used to create all sorts of web applications, sites, portals, intranets and extranets. |
A Course Management System designed to help educators create quality online courses. Available in currently 34 languages, featuring WYSIWYG HTML Editor, teacher has full control over all settings for a course, flexible array of course activities (Forums, Journals, Quizzes, Resources, Choices, Surveys, Assignments, Chats, Workshops), user logging and tracking, mail integration and much more |
A classifieds system featuring categories and subcategories in unlimited depth, image upload for categories and classifieds, variable fields per categories, customizable email notifications, locking categories, classifieds approval, auto-thumbnail generation, classifieds management by user, send classified to a friend. |
Real Estate listing system featuring attachments, flexible search, template system, Yahoo Maps interface. |
A highly professional complete ad server featuring different types of ads, display based on keywords, zones, hour of the day, day of the week, extensive statistics, client statistics. |
The GPL version of PHPauction featuring email notification of bids, attachments, reserve price, minimum bids, standard and dutch auctions, bid history, send auction to a friend, highest bids, auctions ending soon. |
A full billing/invoicing application, perfect for web hosting resellers. You can install only one instance of phpCOIN! |
A form generator featuring up to 100 form fields, all kind of input fields incl. file upload, customizable fields attributes, send submitted data to an email address or store them in a database, admin panel. |
A very powerful webcalendar featuring private and public calendars. |
5 Responses
February 21st, 2009 at 10:59 pm
1Catatan tambahan, gunakan fasilitas installasi dan uninstall melalui menu fantastico, dianjurkan untuk tidak mendelete file langsung menggunakan ftp karena software kemungkinan tidak terhapus secara sempurna.
April 20th, 2010 at 12:58 am
2mas, kalo sudah terlanjur menghapus dengan ftp, bagaimana cara memebersihkan isnstalasi yang masih tersisa jika memang ada. karena ketika akan saya instal script yang baru, ada peringatan bahwa harus menguninstal terlebih dahulu script yang lama… help me..thank
April 20th, 2010 at 8:29 pm
3@k4nf4hid: bisa coba uninstall dahulu melalui menu fantastico de luxe. Kemudian cari script yg ingin diuninstall. Di halaman berikutnya ada link untuk menghapus (remove). mudah-mudahan membantu
nurwandi esi
October 9th, 2011 at 9:59 am
4Saya bikin blog (bukan web) dan sudah jadi, tapi karena saya pemula dalam hal per blog an, katanya harus dibelikan domain dan hosting, setelah saya beli keduanya, saya tidak tahu langkah-langkah berikutnya.
apa ada tutorialnya ? trims
October 9th, 2011 at 10:32 am
5@nurwandi esi: blog tidak harus menggunakan hosting dan domain pribadi, bisa daftar di blogspot dan wordpress. kekurangannya namanya berupa subdomain dari blogspot dan wordpress dan tentunya kustomasi blog lebih susah dibanding jika kita memiliki domain dan hosting sendiri.
Untuk tutorial ada banyak di internet, cara paling mudah adalah menggunakan fantastisco di cpanel hosting Anda, kemudian install wordpress. Blog akan otomatis terinstall. Namun untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut perlu menguasai dasar html dan sedikit pemrograman php jika ingin mengustomasi themes.
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